Case 1: Mrs. P, a 29 year old lady married for 6 years had history of primary amenorrhea (she did not have her periods since birth except when she took some tablets), however she was keen on having a child. She underwent multiple treatments outside but her ovaries did not respond to the drugs administered…she was then counseled for donor egg cycle…however when she came to Dr. Jasneet Kaur she evaluated and managed her and helped her conceive with her own genetic material…presently she is almost 35 weeks and about to deliver and has had an uneventful pregnancy

Case 2: Mrs. M, 38 years old lady, married since 15 years had a stillbirth (lost her baby during the process of delivery) 2 years after marriage, following that she went into clinical depression…underwent multiple cycles of IUI, when she came to Dr. Jasneet Kaur she told that this her last attempt to conceive and then she is going to adopt a baby after this if this fails…luckily she conceived in her first attempt of IVF and is presently 22 weeks.

Case 3: Mrs. R, 35 year old lady, had history of genital tuberculosis which destroyed her uterine lining and her tubes. She underwent multiple cycles of IVF however all attempts failed. She had given up all hope and Dr. Jasneet Kaur counseled her for surrogacy. She conceived in her first attempt at surrogacy and now has a 1 year old girl child.

Case 4: Mrs. J, 42 year old lady with history of secondary infertility…had a 12 year old boy…did not consider having another child due to professional reasons till she felt that her son needed company and was lonely…she tried multiple cycles using her own eggs but failed…. Dr. Jasneet Kaur counseled her for IVF with PGS (genetic screening of embryos) but in that too due to her age there was no chromosomally normal embryo…finally she decided to go ahead with a donor egg, underwent a single blastocyst transfer and presently is 30 weeks pregnant.

Case 5: A couple married for 5 years came to an evaluation that the husband was azoospermic (had no sperms). The couple was in a state of shock and misery. However after proper workup it was found that the husband had an obstructive cause…the couple underwent TESA-ICSI and now they have a 6 months old child.

Case 6: A couple married for 11 years, trying since 10 years…underwent multiple IUIs outside which failed, Dr. Jasneet Kaur monitored and evaluated her in the cycle in which they came to Dr. Jasneet Kaur and told them to try naturally for this cycle before undergoing any intervention and luckily the couple conceived in that same cycle and was so grateful.