IVF - In Vitro Fertilization

IVF means in vitro fertilization, which is the fertilization of an ovum outside the body. This fertilized egg is called an embryo and after 3-5 days of development in an incubator it is transferred into the womb/uterus of the patient (ET). For the process the woman requires to take hormonal injections for ovarian stimulation for 8-9 days. Egg development is followed on ultrasound and once ready, eggs are taken out from the ovary using transvaginal ultrasound guidance. The procedure is short 15-20 minutes and is carried out under a short general anaesthesia to avoid pain. IVF is the most widely practiced assisted conception in the world. The success rate of IVF depends mainly on the woman’s age and egg reserve. Other contributory factors include- uterine lining thickness, presence of fibroids or adenomyosis, hydrosalpinx(fluid collection in the Fallopian tubes).

Dr. Jasneet Kaur is the best fertility doctor in Chandigarh, India with a successful career of more than 12 years. She is a the best leading infertility doctor in Chandigarh, India. She holds a specialization in Female Infertility, Male Infertility Treatment, Intrauterine Insemination(IUI) Treatment, In Vitro Fertilization(IVF), Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection(ICSI), Blastocyst Transfer, Egg donor program, PGS/PGD infertility treatment, Gestational surrogacy, Management of patients with azoospermia (TESA, PESA). She aims to present with best consultation and medical advice for her patients.

Dr. Jasneet Kaur deal with the entire spectrum of fertility cases in at Milann Chandigarh, India. She is one of the best In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) doctor in Chandigarh, India.

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) treatment couple should consult an ivf specialist if they are unable to conceive after a year of unprotected intercourse. IVF means In Vitro Fertilization, which is the fertilization of an ovum outside the body. This fertilized egg is called an embryo and after 3-5 days of development in an incubator it is transferred into the womb/uterus of the patient (ET). For the process the woman requires to take hormonal injections for ovarian stimulation for 8-9 days. Egg development is followed on ultrasound and once ready, eggs are taken out from the ovary using transvaginal ultrasound guidance. The procedure is short 15-20 minutes and is carried out under a short general anesthesia to avoid pain. IVF is the most widely practiced assisted conception in the world. Success rate of IVF depend mainly on the woman’s age and egg reserve.

Who needs an IVF: Patients With?

  • Blocked / Damaged Fallopian Tubes
  • Endometriosis
  • Unexplained Fertility
  • Multiple IUI Failures
  • Ovulatory Dysfunctions
  • Male Factor

Steps in IVF

  1. Counselling
  2. Blood tests to assess general health and ovarian reserve.
  3. Ultrasound and blood tests on day 2 of period before starting injections for egg development.
  4. Gonadotrophin Injections daily
  5. Follicular monitoring by ultrasound after 4 days initially and then more frequently till eggs are ready approximately 18-20 mm in diameter.
  6. Blood test to confirm that eggs are ready.
  7. Injection of HCG – time specific. Generally given late night.
  8. Egg retrieval 36 hours after HCG under general anaesthesia.
  9. Pre anaesthetic check-up is done before the egg pick up procedure.
  10. ET after 3/5 days of egg retrieval.
  11. The Pregnancy test is done by blood test (Beta HCG) after 15 days.

Dr. Jasneet Kaur is the best ivf specialist doctor in Chandigarh, India. She is the best gynaecologist and fertility specialist and gives the best advice to patients.